These fans ain’t loyal: How the treatment of RGIII shows Redskins fans aren’t as loyal as they claim to be

Yesterday afternoon, I logged onto Facebook and saw a post from the official Redskins page that showed Robert Griffin III at a Super Bowl party with his wife and a few sports legends. It looked like a really cool collection of photos, so I clicked on each one, looked at them, and then scrolled down to read some of the comments. Here’s what I saw: Read More

Scot can save us: Ranking the last 10 Redskins drafts from first to worst to show how helpful McCloughan will be

The Washington Redskins have hired former 49ers and Seahawks front office member/football mastermind Scot McCloughan to be their new General Manager, and are reportedly going to give the revered talent evaluator complete control and allow him to build the roster the way he wants. Read More

With the 2014 season officially ending today, the Redskins look just as lost as they always have

I woke up this morning in Joplin, Missouri, the heart of Chiefs and Rams territory, where I will be for the next few days visiting my grandparents. Since I am in the Midwest, I was worried the Redskins-Cowboys game wouldn’t be on TV, but luckily (I guess it really should be unluckily) I was in fact able to watch the Skins season finale. And as I was watching, I realized a metaphor that perfectly captures how the whole year went for the burgundy and gold was unfolding right in front of my eyes. Read More

9 for 89: Counting down my 9 favorite memories from Santana Moss’ career with the Redskins

The Redskins season ends this Sunday against the Cowboys, but something much bigger could be coming to a close, too. All signs indicate that this will be the last game in the burgundy and gold for Santana Moss, who has been a stalwart in the Redskins receiving corps for the past ten seasons.

This is something that makes me very, very sad; I’m really not ready to watch my favorite athlete of all time leave my favorite team of all time, if Sunday is indeed his last game as a Skin. However, I know this league is a business first and foremost, and the Redskins, in all likelihood, will not ask Moss to return next year, which means its time to reflect on all he’s done for the organization.

Santana Moss has had a successful, consistent, memorable, and under appreciated career here in DC. Over his ten years with the team, Moss has racked up 578 catches, 7,842 receiving yards, and 47 touchdowns. He is, in every category, one of the most decorated receivers in the storied history of this franchise.

While Moss has said in multiple interviews over the season that he thinks he can still play (side note: I believe him. It obviously won’t be as a starter, but he clearly still loves the game and is in great shape for an older receiver…I think he can definitely still produce as a third or fourth wideout), I’m a realist, and I realize it is the smart move for the Redskins to move away from him.

Therefore, as a way to look back at all #89 has accomplished with this team, I’ve come up with a list, ranking my nine favorite moments from his ten years with this franchise. In this post, you’ll find pictures, videos, and quotes that describe the player Santana Moss was and the plays Santana Moss made. Read More

Five eye opening lessons I learned about the NFL after playing a pickup football game with my friends

About five weeks ago, I wrote about my experiences as an intramural referee, and the things that I learned from being one. Today, I’m going to do something similar.

Yesterday afternoon, I, along with nine friends, got together for a good ol’ fashioned tackle football game. Five on five, no pads, muddy field; it felt like we were in a Wrangler Jeans commercial. In fact, one of my friends, Greg, was actually wearing jeans. All we were missing was a pickup truck, a golden retriever, and Brett Favre.  

It was a lot of fun, but very eye opening, too. It was the first time we had a good, competitive, pickup football game in years. We used to play in high school all the time, but it’s been awhile; plus, that was when we were scrawny and weak. I think yesterday was the most physical game we’ve ever played.

Once the showdown ended, and we all limped home, I realized that I had come away with a greater appreciation for what NFL players do. Here is a list featuring some of the biggest things I learned. Read More

Playing “You should stay” or “Go away” with every player on the Redskins roster to see how bare the cupboard really is

Its mid December, the Skins have a home game, and the Eagles are coming to town to take on former star DeSean Jackson. And you know what?

I honestly don’t really care.

Whoa. Did I just say that?

Yep. At this point, I’m simply worn down. The Redskins kickoff later this afternoon at 4:30, and I’ll find myself in front of the TV like I always do and always will, but I may turn it on a couple minutes late, walk my dog in between quarters, or watch it with friends and talk more than I pay attention. I normally clear out my entire Sunday, threaten to strangle anyone who talks during a play, and allow the result of the game to affect my mood for the next 72 hours. Nowadays, though, I’m just kinda tired.

Since I’m so worn down, I’ve decided to switch things up a bit today. Instead of doing a post game story like I normally do (I’m especially exhausted from writing 1000+ words on miserable Redskins losses; it’s hard for a positive guy like me to write with such pessimism week after week) I’m going to write a pre game story, looking ahead to 2015. Read More

A well thought out holiday wish list that every DC sports fan should be sending to Santa Claus

Wish lists are awesome.

Instead of leaving things up to chance, someone somewhere came up with the idea of thinking about every kind of gift you want, deciding what color and size you want it in, writing those ideas onto a piece of paper, and then sending it to your friends and family so they could get it all for you. No more homemade oven mitts or weird hats; here was a way for you to fully guarantee the things you got under the tree were what you really wanted.

The brilliance of wish lists (which I have ranked #4 on the list of greatest inventions ever, just in front of luggage with wheels and right behind those little sleeves you put on your coffee cup so it isn’t too hot to hold) was what inspired me to come up with a wish list filled with items DC sports fans like me are asking for this holiday season. Read More

A lot to keep track of: Random but relatable thoughts on today’s Redskins-Giants game

I woke up this Sunday morning as unexcited as I can remember for a game day. I wasn’t surprised by this though, as a December matchup between two very sub .500 teams isn’t exactly gonna get the blood flowing. However, as I sit here writing this post a few hours later, I certainly can’t say today wasn’t exciting.

The Redskins had (another) change at QB, saw their longest tenured player get tossed at halftime, got torched by a young star three times, gave up a lot more sacks, and got penalized a ton; they also had some big chunk plays, delivered some nasty hits, and competed, all things that were very different from last week’s shutout.

The one thing that stayed the same, though? THEY LOST AGAIN. That’s six in a row for those of you counting at home. With that being said, I started pumping my fist and cursing at the game for the first time in a long time.

Today, I found myself caring again, and at this point, I’ll take that. Here are my thoughts, with a few positives mixed in for the first time in a while, on today’s wacky loss to the G Men.  Read More

The free fall continues: Random, relatable, and above all, negative thoughts from today’s Skins-Rams game

Today was the first day that I can remember in which the Redskins and the Wizards had the exact same start time, with both teams kicking/tipping off at one o’clock.

While I wouldn’t blame anyone who chose to watch the winning Wizards over the regressing Redskins, I decided to tune into the events that unfolded today at FedEx Field, because I’d rather watch the Redskins, even if they lose by 10000, than do anything else; no matter how bad or how embarrassing they are, I’m simply addicted to the burgundy and gold, and I love the three hour blocks on Sunday way too much to just not watch.

My girlfriend, however, who is very supportive of my fandom and has been there to wipe away my tears after countless defeats over the past two season, sent me this text just before kickoff:


It made me sad that she wouldn’t be watching, but mostly, it made me jealous…she knows watching these games are a waste of time, so it’s very easy for her to pull herself away from the TV. Unfortunately, I have yet to master that skill. And until I do, I will continue to waste my time. Read More

Let me fix this: 9 solutions to the never ending controversy surrounding the Redskins quarterback position

Yesterday afternoon, Adam Schefter sent out this tweet, and Redskins nation sighed, slumped its shoulders, and solemnly shook its collective head:

In response to this mind boggling piece of news, I sent out the following tweet, which probably sums up how a lot of fans are feeling at this point:

This whole thing was absurd a month ago; now, I don’t even know what to call it. For the Redskins to bench RGIII, only to now think about going back to him, is stupid x 10000. But don’t worry everyone, I’m finally taking matters into my own hands. Read More