Getting to know the other Robert Griffin III, the one who plays an important role on Redskins Twitter

In the world of Redskins Twitter, sadness usually reigns supreme. There are locker room leaks, anonymously sourced reports, and tons of awful screenshots sent out on the social media platform throughout every season that are meant to capture just how putrid D.C.’s football team is.

But ever since the summer of 2013, there’s been one source of humor, light, and comedy, a man who sets out each day to bring a bit of joy to an otherwise dark, dark world, a someone who fills an important void in a normally desolate wasteland. Interestingly enough, he also just so happens to run an account that boasts the name of the player who’s been responsible for much of the chaos surrounding Washington’s franchise.

His Twitter handle? Pseudo_RGIII. Read More

Week 1 Memories: Reviewing the last five Redskins season openers

Holy [expletive]. Holy [expletive, expletive]. The Redskins’ season opener is just actually, seriously, truly almost here.

Few things in the NFL are better than Week 1, and for Washington, that is especially so: Optimism hangs in the air like a Tress Way punt, and the devastating locker room leaks are still a few months away from leaking.

So to honor what feels like should be a national holiday, let me review for you the Redskins’ last five debuts. This recap will bring back memories both good and bad, but in the end, I want it to give you something you probably don’t need much more of: some excitement.

Because kickoff is now roughly 72 hours away. Read More

Glass completely empty: Imagining the four-worst case scenarios for the 2015 Redskins

The start of training camp is inching closer with each day, and with each day comes more optimism about the 2015 Redskins’ chances. But while I normally love being optimistic instead of being negative, today I’m going to be pessimistic…like, really pessimistic.

This post will rank what I think are the four worst-case scenarios for the 2015 Washington Redskins. Yes, it’s fun to look at the future with rose-colored glasses and imagine what storylines would be the most fulfilling were they to play out, but in this post here, I’m instead going to ask the question, “What would be the four worst things to happen to the Redskins this season?”

I just turned my laptop on to “glass half empty mode,” so let’s get this pessimistic countdown started. Read More

“On This Play in DC Sports History”: Looking back at the infamous “Swinging Gate” play

Welcome to the second edition of my recurring series “On This Play in DC Sports History.” In this series, I will take a look back at some of the most memorable moments in recent Redskins, Wizards, and Nationals history. These plays can either be in our minds forever because of positive reasons (they were clutch, they came in the biggest games, or they were simply incredible to watch) or for negative reasons (they were embarrassing, they came at the worst times, or they were simply incredibly stupid); as long as it’s a defining play for DC sports teams and fans, there’s a chance I’ll cover it in the series.

Today’s edition, unfortunately, will focus on a play that falls in the latter category, and is one of the most mind boggling things I’ve ever witnessed the Redskins do on a football field (which is obviously a pretty significant statement). I’m of course talking about the infamous “Swinging Gate” play. Read More

Best Friends Forever?: Which DC athletes would make the best college roommate combinations?

With the weather finally warming up on the east coast and the school year winding down, now is the perfect time for thousands of high school kids to visit colleges around the country in hopes of finding The One. For high school juniors in particular, this is the period where tours of the various institutions they’re thinking of applying to are taken before they finally send out applications in the fall and begin crossing their fingers.

One of the most anxiety inducing parts of the college application process, aside from worrying about whether the dining hall food will cause your insides to rot or how you’ll possibly do your laundry without your mom around, is the long, drawn out wait that stands between you and the day you meet your roommate. While visiting prospective schools, kids will marvel at the academic buildings, listen to the tour guide ramble about how fantastic the student-faculty ratio is, and try to imagine themselves fitting in on campus, but in the back of their mind, one question will persist: “What the hell is my roommate going to be like?”

That’s where the inspiration for this post came from. While thinking of the many high schoolers around the nation who are stressing about whether they’ll match well with the random stranger they’ll be forced to live with, I asked myself a related question: “What DC athletes would make the best college roommate pairings?” So I began searching up and down the rosters of DC’s teams to look for the best combinations, and did my best to find the guys who would mesh well with each other and form a splendid duo.

Here is what I came up with. Read More

The way many fans are reacting to RGIII’s announcement that he and his wife are expecting is nothing short of deplorable

There is an unwritten rule on Instagram that you are NEVER, EVER supposed to post two pictures in one day. No matter what you’re doing, who you’re with, or what’s going on in your life, if you post twice in a day, you are doing too much.

I feel like that’s a pretty good rule for a lot of things (quality over quantity, less is more, etc.) and one that definitely carries over to blogging. Bloggers should post once a day, get their thoughts out, then boom, you’re done for 24 hours. You’ve had your say, now pipe down and let others talk.

I do my best to follow that rule, but today, I’m going to break it. I’ve already written one article today, but I can’t hold in this second thing until tomorrow. It really can’t wait. I have to get it out now. Read More