They’re even better than you think! Using graphs and charts to show you this Wizards season is more special than you realized

About a month ago, I published an article of graphs and charts that showed how the Redskins season was even more depressing than we thought it was…and that was a month ago! Look how much worse things have gotten!

Today, I’m going to do the same thing, except instead of the Redskins, it’s going to focus on the Wizards, and instead of showing how the season is much more depressing than we thought it was, I’m going to show you how this season is even BETTER than we think it is! Yay for positivity!

Honestly, with this team’s depth and skill and chemistry and clutchness in close games and ability to hit game winning buzzer beaters, I can’t remember the last time I’ve gotten so much pure enjoyment out of watching DC sports. But don’t take my word for it, let me show you just how fun this bunch of ballers really is! Read More

What a difference a year (or two) makes: A look back at how BAD the Wizards were less than two years ago

The Friday night, 8 o’clock slot on ESPN in the NBA is the equivalent of Monday Night Football in the NFL. It’s the game that gets the sick commercials all week long, the network’s best broadcasters, the exclusive interviews with players, the biggest crowds, and the overall feeling that it means a hell of a lot more than your average regular season game.

Even though the Redskins have been horrible for a long time, they usually feature some flashy names, a new coach, or at the very least, are a car wreck of a team that people can’t take their eyes off of. Therefore, they’re always in line for one or two Monday Nighters a year, and I’ve kind of taken them for granted. It’s fun to see them play on MNF, but when it’s guaranteed every year, the bright lights feel a little dimmer.

The Wizards on the other hand, went through a long, four or five year span of almost no nationally televised games. No one cared about them at all. ABC, TNT, and ESPN stayed away from the Wizards like LeBron James’ hairline stays away from where it should actually be. They were irrelevant to anyone outside of DC, and to a lot of people inside of it, too.

That’s all about to change, however. Read More

10 DC sports inspired “Starter Packs”: Taking Twitter’s most recent phenomenon and applying it to DC sports

Twitter is a wonderful place for many reasons, one of them being the memes and jokes that originate and grow there, before they are eventually showing up on everyone’s timeline and making millions of people LTTQ (laugh to themselves quietly).

The best thing on Twitter right now, in my opinion, are these so called “starter packs.” Many of you are nodding your head in agreement and saying, “Yeah, I think so too!” Others are like “What are starter packs? Could you please explain?” And a few of you are still looking at the first word of this post and saying, “What’s a Twitter?”

If you don’t know what Twitter is, I can’t really help you too much; but if you aren’t aware of this “starter pack” phenomena, I will explain to you what one is, so you’re hip to what they mean and why they’re fun, before diving into DC Sports related starter packs. Read More

I know you’re American and are taught to hate refs, but I’m writing this to tell you why you should hate them just a little bit less

Sports are mostly awesome, but there are a few things about sports that aren’t so awesome; season ending injuries, endless TV timeouts, and that whole rule where each team has to begin EVERY NFL season with a 3-6 record (oh wait, what? That’s not a rule? Sorry, you’ll have to forgive me, the Redskins are 3-6 for the fourth straight year so I thought it was a new rule or something).

However, the thing about sports that is clearly the least awesome (but also completely necessary to any sporting event meaning there’s no way to get rid of ’em) are the people with the whistles and rulebooks: referees. Read More

DC Sports Dictionary, 2014 edition: Important words and phrases redefined in terms of DC sports

Thought you knew the definition of words such as postseason, head coach, and timeouts? Think again.

I give to you the 2014 DC Sports Dictionary, hot off the presses, which redefines words that have a new meaning when used in the context of DC sports. For example, “4th quarter” takes on a whole different definition when a Redskins fan says it as opposed to, say, a Patriots fan; it’s easy to get lost in translation, so you need to start studying.

Scooch over Oxford and Merriam-Webster…Barley in Bounds is publishing its own dictionary. Read More

What the $%&# are you saying?: 15 of the most RIDICULOUS things people comment on DC athlete’s Instagrams

Athletes on Instagram have it made.

Guys like RGIII, DeSean Jackson, and John Wall can post pictures of themselves, the meals they’re eating, the cars they drive, or random crap like their shoes or their grandmas, and get thousands of likes and hundreds of comments within the hour. I, on the other hand, have a career high of 75 likes for an Instagram photo (which is pretty nice for a college aged boy), but that doesn’t compare to the attention a teenage, Starbucks holding, Uggs wearing girl gets for a selfie, or even approach the popularity that a Bradley Beal Insta post receives.

It’s not all good, though; a few days ago, as DeSean Jackson posted a photo, I began to scroll through the hundreds of comments that I usually overlook, curious as to what I would find.

Boy, the results weren’t pretty. Most of the comments were people criticizing Jackson on everything from leaving Philly to his haircut, plus many that had horrible misspellings and a few that were so random the commenter had to have been on some sort of hard drug.

This inspired me to do some more research, and dig up the most ridiculous Instagram comments I could find. Over the past few days, whenever I had down time, I scoured some of DC sports’ biggest names and their Instagrams, in search of comments that made me scratch my head, laugh, or ask “What the hell is this person thinking?” The comments I found were too entertaining not to share, so I now give them to you:  Read More

Let the debate begin: You have $15 to spend and have to fill out a roster of the Skins best skill players in the past decade…Who do you choose?

Earlier this year, around May or June, very interesting sports debate raged on.

The question? If you were creating an All-Time NBA Starting Lineup, and had an imaginary 15 dollar salary cap to fill out your roster, how would you go about it? Here’s the image that spread across the web like a wildfire on steroids:

It was a very fun debate, and something I talked about with a ton of people in all sorts of places. Everyone had their own opinion and constructed their own ideal squad. So now, I wanna take this idea and relate it to DC sports.

The challenge is going to be a bit different, but just as fun: use 15 dollars to fill out what you believe is the best collection of Redskins skill players of the last 10 years, based on their best individual season. One QB, one running back, one tight end, and two wide receivers.

The rules are simple: the list of options is posted below, with who I think is the best player at their respective position (according to the best year they had) of the past 10 years being worth $5, the second best $4, all the way down to $1, where things get a little crazy; because the Redskins have been mostly bad this past decade, I figured it was important to factor that in to this challenge, because being able to construct a Redskins roster without including terrible players wouldn’t be very realistic, now would it? Therefore, the players valued at one dollar are some of the worst/most irrelevant/most useless players I could find from the past ten years at their position. Since the Redskins have had to deal with starters playing like crap or not even showing up on their rosters, you do, too.

You get $15 to fill out your roster; you can stay under, but not go over. Do you play it safe and choose the players valued at $3 at every spot, or go for it it all, putting together a roster with high end players and one dollar busts? IT’S ALL IN YOUR HANDS NOW! Read More