DC Insta-Grammy Awards: Which DC athletes have the city’s strongest ‘gram game?

There hasn’t been much positivity on this blog thus far. A few days in and I’ve already written a game preview of the Redskins-Texans game that was completely wrong, an article about Santana Moss published hours before he was named a healthy scratch for the first time in ten years, and then a reaction to the Redskins game that essentially said yesterday was one of the worst days of my life.

Enough with all the negativity. Let’s get happy. Let’s talk about DC athletes and their wonderful Instagrams.

Players on the Skins, Wiz, and Nats really bring it with their Instas. Every day they fill people’s timelines with tremendous game photos, beautiful vacation pics, ridiculous selfies, and sweet snaps with some high profile celebs. So to inject some happiness onto the blog, and to make me feel better about what took place in Houston yesterday (I usually wear my Redskins lanyard around my neck…today I hid it in my pocket due to the shame I felt) it’s time to award some DC athletes with Insta-Grammy awards for their excellent work in photo sharing. Read More