BOOM! Roasted: Taking shots at the people and teams who’ve been (and even those who haven’t been) taking shots at the Redskins

Besides having an insane passion for DC sports teams, I also love watching TV. Yeah, a boy who likes sports and TV. I’m pretty unique, huh? Stop rolling your eyes.

Ok, anyways, one of my absolute favoritest shows on the tube is “The Office,” which Netflix describes as a “hit comedy that chronicles disgruntled office workers — led by deluded boss Michael Scott — at the Dunder Mifflin paper company.” Translation: it’s a super hilarious show about a bunch of miserable office workers, whose boss is an incredibly obnoxious jerk played by Steve Carell.

All nine seasons of it rock, but my absolute favoritest episode of “The Office” is what I like to call the “Boom Roasted” episode. If you have watched the show, you are nodding your head in agreement right now, while those of you who haven’t watched it are a bit confused.

No worries, non Office watchers, allow me to give you a brief synopsis of the episode: Read More

What a difference a year (or two) makes: A look back at how BAD the Wizards were less than two years ago

The Friday night, 8 o’clock slot on ESPN in the NBA is the equivalent of Monday Night Football in the NFL. It’s the game that gets the sick commercials all week long, the network’s best broadcasters, the exclusive interviews with players, the biggest crowds, and the overall feeling that it means a hell of a lot more than your average regular season game.

Even though the Redskins have been horrible for a long time, they usually feature some flashy names, a new coach, or at the very least, are a car wreck of a team that people can’t take their eyes off of. Therefore, they’re always in line for one or two Monday Nighters a year, and I’ve kind of taken them for granted. It’s fun to see them play on MNF, but when it’s guaranteed every year, the bright lights feel a little dimmer.

The Wizards on the other hand, went through a long, four or five year span of almost no nationally televised games. No one cared about them at all. ABC, TNT, and ESPN stayed away from the Wizards like LeBron James’ hairline stays away from where it should actually be. They were irrelevant to anyone outside of DC, and to a lot of people inside of it, too.

That’s all about to change, however. Read More

Our quarterback’s back: My thoughts on RGIII’s 2nd return, and not knowing what you got until it’s gone

It seems all but certain that this Sunday, when the Redskins take the field against the Minnesota Vikings, Robert Griffin III will be the team’s starting quarterback.

I, for one, have a hard time staying level or even keeled before games; my anticipation for each Sunday gradually builds every weekday, and then come Saturday night and Sunday morning, where every thought that takes place inside my brain is somehow related to the Redskins…”Oh, nice, only 3 hours and 17 minutes until kickoff.” “Hey, this muffin has a tough exterior but a soft inside, kinda like Chris Baker.” “I would probably agree to trade a month off of the end of my life if kickoff could come an hour sooner.” You get the idea.

What I’m trying to say is that since I get so unbelievably excited before any Redskins game, it’s tough to distinguish when I’m more or less excited than compared to another Sunday (How can you tell the difference between when you’re 99% excited or 99.9% excited?). However, THIS game, coming up THIS Sunday, where Robert Griffin III will return from another serious leg injury, brings a level of excitement and hype that I haven’t felt in a longgggg time; probably since his debut in 2012.  Read More

The sports world is flipping upside down: 20 sports sentences I never expect to hear in my lifetime

Here are three sports sentences I’ve heard recently that I never expected to hear.

“LeBron James is going back to Cleveland.”

“The Dallas Cowboys are a real contender for the Super Bowl.”

“The Kansas City Royals are in the World Series.”

What in the name of god is going on????????!!!!!?!?!???!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?????????

Left is right. Up is down. Night is day. Things are happening in the sports world that I NEVER expected to happen. Like, LeBron James, the guy whose jersey was literally burned by thousands of Cleveland fans, is going back to the Cavs? The Dallas Cowboys, with Tony Freakin’ Romo as their quarterback, are actually good at the sport of football? And the Kansas City Royals, the very definition of a laughingstock organization, are in the World Series?

Alrighty. Hold on. These things are crazy, so it got me thinkin’: What other sports sentences do I NEVER EVER expect to hear in my lifetime? I’m pretty shocked right now, so I’m hoping by writing these down, if they ever do happen, I won’t be as surprised. Because let’s be serious, we all thought the Cowboys were gonna be terrible.  Read More

Allen Iverson, a sore elbow, and a league wide movement: The story of how the shooting sleeve came to be

It all started in 2001 with a case of elbow bursitis. 

According to this New Yorker piece, Allen Iverson’s shooting elbow was swollen and sore, and he needed something to fix it so he could finish the season without having to undergo surgery. That’s when then 76ers trainer Lenny Currier cut out a tight tube of spandexy material and asked Iverson to wear it during that night’s game. A.I. agreed, went off for 51 points, and introduced the NBA to what has become one of the more ubiquitous on-court accessories in today’s league: the shooting sleeve. Read More