Week 1 Memories: Reviewing the last five Redskins season openers

Holy [expletive]. Holy [expletive, expletive]. The Redskins’ season opener is just actually, seriously, truly almost here.

Few things in the NFL are better than Week 1, and for Washington, that is especially so: Optimism hangs in the air like a Tress Way punt, and the devastating locker room leaks are still a few months away from leaking.

So to honor what feels like should be a national holiday, let me review for you the Redskins’ last five debuts. This recap will bring back memories both good and bad, but in the end, I want it to give you something you probably don’t need much more of: some excitement.

Because kickoff is now roughly 72 hours away. Read More

A lot to keep track of: Random but relatable thoughts on today’s Redskins-Giants game

I woke up this Sunday morning as unexcited as I can remember for a game day. I wasn’t surprised by this though, as a December matchup between two very sub .500 teams isn’t exactly gonna get the blood flowing. However, as I sit here writing this post a few hours later, I certainly can’t say today wasn’t exciting.

The Redskins had (another) change at QB, saw their longest tenured player get tossed at halftime, got torched by a young star three times, gave up a lot more sacks, and got penalized a ton; they also had some big chunk plays, delivered some nasty hits, and competed, all things that were very different from last week’s shutout.

The one thing that stayed the same, though? THEY LOST AGAIN. That’s six in a row for those of you counting at home. With that being said, I started pumping my fist and cursing at the game for the first time in a long time.

Today, I found myself caring again, and at this point, I’ll take that. Here are my thoughts, with a few positives mixed in for the first time in a while, on today’s wacky loss to the G Men.  Read More

PHOTO GALLERY: All 32 NFL jerseys, ranked worst to first. Who’s got the most swag?

Ah, yes, the relaxing feeling of waking up on a Redskins bye week, with nothing to worry about, and knowing I won’t be on the verge of tears in about ten hours.

No new ESPN locker room leaks to read about, no games to get my hopes up for, and no stress. Just me, a bunch of random NFL games, and a full Sunday ahead to do whatever I please.

With no Skins football to watch, it’s time to turn my attention to the other 31 NFL teams, and put together a power rankings for one of my favorite things about sports: the jerseys. Read More

Let me remind you that it’s not ALL bad: 10 things sure to cheer you up, sad Redskins fan


Wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW! W-O-W!

Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, and actually, just when you think things were getting better, the Redskins come out on a national stage, at home, against a division rival, in a must win game, with another nationally televised game coming up, which just so happens to be against the defending Super Bowl champion, looking like they haven’t played football in their entire lives.

Ho-hum. Just another game played in front of millions of Americans that ends so embarrassingly I’m ashamed to walk around brandishing any sort of Redskins logo.

So much sadness occupies my heart right now. And I’m sure so much sadness occupies your heart, too, fellow Redskins fan. So that’s why I’m writing this post: to remind you that it’s not all bad, to rid your heart of some sadness, and to show you there are a few things in life that are happy things and not sad things. Keep your head up and read these bullet points, and you’ll be feeling better in no time. Read More

A day I want to forget that I’ll always remember: RGIII’s crushing ankle injury

I really like writing. You can use writing to persuade. You can use writing to inform. You can use it for many things.

Today, I’m going to use writing to organize. Specifically, I’m going to use writing to organize my thoughts. Specfically-er, I’m going to use writing to try and organize the mass amount of contrasting, headache causing thoughts and ideas that were ignited by the tragic and momentous events that unfolded at FedEx Field yesterday. Because a lot of crazy headache causing stuff went down.

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