12 obnoxiously pro-Redskins things you can say on Super Bowl Sunday

Since the Patriots and the Seahawks will be the center of attention this weekend, and the Redskins haven’t played a game in over a month, you would think that Redskins fans have no right to talk about their team for the next 48 hours or so. Well, I say you’re wrong.

One of the keys to being an obnoxious football fan is knowing where your team has an edge over another team, and while at first glance it doesn’t seem like 4-12 Washington stacks up with the two stellar organizations from New England and Seattle, there are SOME areas where the burgundy and gold actually come out ahead. That’s why I’m here: to tell you where those areas are, so on Super Bowl Sunday you can exploit them. Read More

Looking good: Which Redskins, Wizards, Nationals and Capitals uniforms are the best and worst looking in DC sports?

If you’re looking for a really deep sports article complete with statistical analysis, player quotes, and provocative claims, then take your mouse, scroll up to that little red “X” at the top of the window, and click on it, because this post doesn’t feature any of that. Today, we’re talking jerseys.

During my time as an intern at Comcast SportsNet this summer, I pretty much became the most respected uniform ranker in the mid-Atlantic area; I power ranked all of the NBA uniformsall of the NFL uniforms, and did a Top 25 and Bottom 25 of college football uniforms. I spent so much time evaluating uniforms that at one point, people there told me I needed to switch my major at college and start focusing more on “jersey studies.”

i haven’t ranked uniforms in awhile, though, but I’m feeling that itch again, so today, I’m ranking the uni’s of the Redskins, Wizards, Nationals, and Capitals. Read More

Nine extremely well researched and thought out lists ranking a variety of things related to DC sports

As the final days of 2014 passed by, I found myself looking at a lot of lists. “Best songs of 2014,” “Best movies of 2014,” “Best games of 2014,” a list here, a list there, a list everywhere. Everyone was coming up with all these lists, and I began to get self conscious: “Am I doing something wrong by not having any lists?” I thought to myself.

So on the 29th of December, I sat down to make a list. But the problem was figuring out exactly what I was going to make my list about. Should I make it best about the best seasons by DC athletes, or the best plays by DC teams, or the biggest bloopers by DC teams, or the moments I felt like crying the most because of DC teams? I just couldn’t figure out what to make my list about!

But then, a funny thing happened. I realized I live in America, and I realized I have freedom.

It was at that point that I decided I wasn’t going to limit myself to just one list; I decided I was going to make a BUNCH of lists. So whenever I had free time, I would brainstorm a list and add it to the post. And now, after three days of hardcore listing, everything is finally ready. Read More

Survey says!: How 50 Redskins fans feel about Jay Gruden, RGIII, the chances of winning a Super Bowl, and more

As I sat on my couch this past Sunday, watching Andrew Luck throw deep ball after deep ball to completely uncovered receivers, I realized that I had never felt so hopeless as a Redskins fan.

The game was disheartening and ugly, and it caused fans and analysts alike to question just about everything about the organization: Was it right to make a change at the quarterback position? Should there be changes on the coaching staff? Does Gruden even deserve another year? And will things ever get better?

With all these questions floating around, I decided to create a survey that covered various issues related to the team, in an attempt to illustrate how the fan base was feeling as a whole. Read More

Most Likely To ___________? 2nd edition: Handing out high school superlatives to current and former DC sports figures

Last night, my sister texted me saying, “You should definitely do another one of those high school superlatives posts.” I responded by saying, “I would LOVE to, but I feel like I already used all of the good photos in my first one!”

However, she wouldn’t take no for an answer; being the genius that she is, she told me to use former athletes to get the creative juices flowing, so I did. And after a lot of perusing of Google for the strangest/funniest/creepiest photos of people on or formerly associated with the Redskins, Wizards, and Nationals, I can now proudly present to you the second batch of DC sports superlatives.  Read More

10 DC sports inspired “Starter Packs”: Taking Twitter’s most recent phenomenon and applying it to DC sports

Twitter is a wonderful place for many reasons, one of them being the memes and jokes that originate and grow there, before they are eventually showing up on everyone’s timeline and making millions of people LTTQ (laugh to themselves quietly).

The best thing on Twitter right now, in my opinion, are these so called “starter packs.” Many of you are nodding your head in agreement and saying, “Yeah, I think so too!” Others are like “What are starter packs? Could you please explain?” And a few of you are still looking at the first word of this post and saying, “What’s a Twitter?”

If you don’t know what Twitter is, I can’t really help you too much; but if you aren’t aware of this “starter pack” phenomena, I will explain to you what one is, so you’re hip to what they mean and why they’re fun, before diving into DC Sports related starter packs. Read More

I know you’re American and are taught to hate refs, but I’m writing this to tell you why you should hate them just a little bit less

Sports are mostly awesome, but there are a few things about sports that aren’t so awesome; season ending injuries, endless TV timeouts, and that whole rule where each team has to begin EVERY NFL season with a 3-6 record (oh wait, what? That’s not a rule? Sorry, you’ll have to forgive me, the Redskins are 3-6 for the fourth straight year so I thought it was a new rule or something).

However, the thing about sports that is clearly the least awesome (but also completely necessary to any sporting event meaning there’s no way to get rid of ’em) are the people with the whistles and rulebooks: referees. Read More

Absolutely inspiring: 7 ridiculous tweets from DC athletes slapped onto some motivational posters

Walk into any elementary school classroom, doctor’s office, or workplace, and you’re bound to see one.

You know what I’m talking about: one of those cheesy motivational posters, with a single word or phrase like “Strength” or “Determination,” followed by a cute, little quote underneath, and finished off with a giant, most of the time completely unrelated image to tie it all together. These are meant to inspire, to pick you up, and to make you want to do more.

If you’re looking for a source of real motivation, this isn’t the place for you.

HOWEVER! If you’re looking for motivational posters with single words or phrases and giant, unrelated images juxtaposed with some random, ridiculous, and often times hard to comprehend tweets from the finest DC athletes, THIS IS THE POST FOR YOU. Because when you slap a genius Paul Pierce tweet onto the bottom of a motivational poster, you get one thing: Magic. Read More