Ndamukong Suh to the Redskins? No thanks, I’ll pass

Ndamukong Suh is one of the most disruptive forces in football, someone who causes offensive coordinators to wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, a player who can take over a game from a position where it’s rare to see that, and an absolute badass.

For those reasons and many, many more, I’d like to say an early congratulations to whatever team lands him in free agency, and I couldn’t be more excited for you.

Well, as long as that team isn’t the Redskins. Read More

February Fury: Constructing a bracket to determine who is the absolute worst Redskins offseason acquisition since 1999

According to the calendar on my phone, it is currently February. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but that means March is right around the corner, which in turn means two huge sports events are almost upon us: March Madness and the start of offseason NFL moves.

As a college basketball fan, I couldn’t love March Madness any more. And as a Washington Redskins fan, I couldn’t hate the NFL offseason any more. However, there’s no denying the impact that both events have on me each year, so today, I’m going to combine the two in this post.

Because the Washington Redskins are infamous for their decision making in the offseason, I have created a NCAA-ish tournament bracket to figure out which offseason decisions were the absolute worst. Here’s how the bracket was made Read More

RGIII, it’s not you, it’s us: The “Redskins touch” and how the franchise, and not the player, is to blame for RGIII’s downfall

With yesterday’s news that the Redskins are making yet another change at quarterback (is it really news if it’s the same story repeating itself?), which probably means that the end of RGIII’s career with the team is near, Washington’s football team can pat itself on the back for ruining yet another player who seemed guaranteed to be a star for years to come.

You’ve heard of the phrase “Midas touch,” a reference to the king from Greek mythology who could turn anything into gold simply by touching it, haven’t you? Well, the way the Redskins have handled this whole situation proves to me that they have the exact opposite of the Midas touch; let’s just call it the “Redskins touch.” Read More