With the 2014 season officially ending today, the Redskins look just as lost as they always have

I woke up this morning in Joplin, Missouri, the heart of Chiefs and Rams territory, where I will be for the next few days visiting my grandparents. Since I am in the Midwest, I was worried the Redskins-Cowboys game wouldn’t be on TV, but luckily (I guess it really should be unluckily) I was in fact able to watch the Skins season finale. And as I was watching, I realized a metaphor that perfectly captures how the whole year went for the burgundy and gold was unfolding right in front of my eyes. Read More

9 for 89: Counting down my 9 favorite memories from Santana Moss’ career with the Redskins

The Redskins season ends this Sunday against the Cowboys, but something much bigger could be coming to a close, too. All signs indicate that this will be the last game in the burgundy and gold for Santana Moss, who has been a stalwart in the Redskins receiving corps for the past ten seasons.

This is something that makes me very, very sad; I’m really not ready to watch my favorite athlete of all time leave my favorite team of all time, if Sunday is indeed his last game as a Skin. However, I know this league is a business first and foremost, and the Redskins, in all likelihood, will not ask Moss to return next year, which means its time to reflect on all he’s done for the organization.

Santana Moss has had a successful, consistent, memorable, and under appreciated career here in DC. Over his ten years with the team, Moss has racked up 578 catches, 7,842 receiving yards, and 47 touchdowns. He is, in every category, one of the most decorated receivers in the storied history of this franchise.

While Moss has said in multiple interviews over the season that he thinks he can still play (side note: I believe him. It obviously won’t be as a starter, but he clearly still loves the game and is in great shape for an older receiver…I think he can definitely still produce as a third or fourth wideout), I’m a realist, and I realize it is the smart move for the Redskins to move away from him.

Therefore, as a way to look back at all #89 has accomplished with this team, I’ve come up with a list, ranking my nine favorite moments from his ten years with this franchise. In this post, you’ll find pictures, videos, and quotes that describe the player Santana Moss was and the plays Santana Moss made. Read More

BOOM! Roasted: Taking shots at the people and teams who’ve been (and even those who haven’t been) taking shots at the Redskins

Besides having an insane passion for DC sports teams, I also love watching TV. Yeah, a boy who likes sports and TV. I’m pretty unique, huh? Stop rolling your eyes.

Ok, anyways, one of my absolute favoritest shows on the tube is “The Office,” which Netflix describes as a “hit comedy that chronicles disgruntled office workers — led by deluded boss Michael Scott — at the Dunder Mifflin paper company.” Translation: it’s a super hilarious show about a bunch of miserable office workers, whose boss is an incredibly obnoxious jerk played by Steve Carell.

All nine seasons of it rock, but my absolute favoritest episode of “The Office” is what I like to call the “Boom Roasted” episode. If you have watched the show, you are nodding your head in agreement right now, while those of you who haven’t watched it are a bit confused.

No worries, non Office watchers, allow me to give you a brief synopsis of the episode: Read More

PHOTO GALLERY: All 32 NFL jerseys, ranked worst to first. Who’s got the most swag?

Ah, yes, the relaxing feeling of waking up on a Redskins bye week, with nothing to worry about, and knowing I won’t be on the verge of tears in about ten hours.

No new ESPN locker room leaks to read about, no games to get my hopes up for, and no stress. Just me, a bunch of random NFL games, and a full Sunday ahead to do whatever I please.

With no Skins football to watch, it’s time to turn my attention to the other 31 NFL teams, and put together a power rankings for one of my favorite things about sports: the jerseys. Read More

A masterful performance: Titling and captioning some photos from MNF, because last night was a work of art

The Dallas Cowboys, I learned last night, have an art exhibit inside of their stadium.

*Pukes into trash can* *wipes mouth on Santana Moss jersey that he is proudly wearing*

Why you would have an art museum, along with a club right outside your team’s locker room, and a host of other non football things inside of a football stadium, is beyond me. However, that is beside the point, because the true work of art took place out on the field last night, where the really really underdogged Washington Redskins silenced 80,000 plus Cowboys fans with their play. It was a masterpiece of a performance.

I could write a million things about last night. I could publish like five posts every day leading up to the Minnesota game this Sunday the way I’m feeling right now. But I figured I’d just put some pictures in this post, give them some tiny captions like you see at art museums, and let you, the viewer, enjoy the experience yourself. Happy Victory Tuesday everyone.

Please look at, and admire, but please don’t touch the displays.

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According to the experts on every TV channel, radio station, and blog post, the Redskins had no chance of winning this game. Zero. 0%. No shot.

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Sorry, people in Dallas and the various NFL experts around the world, but I have bad eyesight…do you think you could read that for me?

The Redskins, behind a third string QB, a fresh new right tackle, two 22 year old cornerbacks, a 9 game road losing streak, an 8 game divisional game losing streak, and a 7 game primetime losing streak, went INTO Dallas, against what many people have crowned the BEST team in the NFL, and WON THE FREAKING FOOTBALL GAME.




This contest was nuts. It had everything. And most importantly, the Redskins didn’t do their normal Redskins-y things. The defense forced turnovers, got constant pressure, and had a ton of sacks. The offense converted on enormous third downs (and the ballsiest fourth down of all time!!!!!!!!!!) throughout the second half. The special teams was solid. The young guys and backups were huge.

I’m so happy right now. I want to adopt a lot of puppies and join my church choir and eat some ice cream all at the same time. Here are all my thoughts from the game. Wish you could see the tears of happiness streaming down my face as I write this. WE DESERVE THIS ONE SKINS FANS. HAIL TO THE GOSH DARN REDSKINS.

I believed, and I know a ton of other Skins fans did, too. Compliments to the chef, this Upset Special is EXTRA TASTY!!!!

Oh yes, yes it will be.

-In all my years, I have never seen such a lopsided pre game show. The week leading up to the game featured commercials for Monday Night Football featuring highlights of Tony Romo, Demarco Murray, Tony Romo, Dez Bryant, the Dallas Star, and then finally, at the end, the voice guy said “Cowboys” really loudly and excitedly, then said “versus the Redskins” very quietly and sadly. Then, fast forward to Monday Night Countdown, where every single analyst picked the Cowboys to win. This picture of Gilbert Arenas sums up how I feel perfectly:

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-Brandon Meriweather. Um. Holy cow. I’m not gonna lie, if I were to rank my favorite Redskins players 1-53, he’d probably end up at like 49. But tonight, he was a force, and he deserves a ton of credit. He sacked Romo in the first quarter by anticipating the classic Romo backside spin perfectly, then cleaned out Romo on the final drive of the fourth for another sack. Toss in a forced fumble and the guy who usually gets fined had a very fine night. Haslett would be smart to keep using #31 off the edge as a blitzer.

-Another sick performance by a Skins secondary member tonight was turned in by rookie Bashaud Breeland. This kid balled out in the bright lights. Hm, let’s see what he did do tonight: raked the ball from Murray’s hands to force a fumble, deflected two straight passes to Dez Bryant at the goal line of a very important Cowboys drive, and then broke up the game’s final pass to seal the win. Trying to figure out how to honor his work tonight, but just can’t decide between getting his name tattooed across my lower back or letting him be the godfather to my first born child. I’ll sleep on it.

-Is there a more obnoxious pair of wideouts in the league than DeSean Jackson and Pierre Garcon? These guys are JERKS……………………………………..(and I love it so much hehe).

-Sure would’ve loved if the Skins had Ryan Clark from years 2-12 instead of his first and thirteenth, cuz this man is really slow. Love his leadership, but also will love when Washington finally has a good safety back there.

-When describing a Morris non-fumble, Mike Tirico used the word “buttcheek.” Very aggressive word choice there. Usually, announcers stay conservative, going with “backside” or “rear.” They almost never say “butt,” and I have NEVER heard “buttcheek.” It made me uncomfortable.

-Have you ever noticed how three and a half minutes in real life past by in a second, but the three and a half minutes you wait while your Easy Mac is in the microwave feels like an eternity? Tonight during the game I did.

-Don’t know if it’s Gruden’s influence or what, but whoever is responsible for helping this team look competent on every single one of their second half opening drives this year is a wonderful human being, one who I would love to send some chocolate covered strawberries or an edible arrangement to this holiday season. Look at this stat, it makes me smile.

-The Redskins certainly lead the league in “Oh that’s a nice run, OH MY GOD DID HE JUST FUMBLE, OH WAIT THERE’S A WHISTLE, calm down let’s watch the replay, okay cool he didn’t fumble but man that was close” plays. It makes my heart hurt. Stop it please.

-I’m never one to cheer when another player goes down, and tonight I didn’t, but I also didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for Cowboys fans who had to watch their QB lie on the ground in pain. Why? Well, our guy has had two parts of his lower legs explode in the past couple of years, so that’s why a little back injury won’t draw any “Aw, shucks I’m sorry”s from me.

-Screw the Cowboys and their stupid stadium. It has an art museum, a club, some weird waterfall/pool type thing, and a whole laundry list of other completely non football things inside of it. FedEx Field ain’t a work of art by any stretch, but at least our fans come to watch football and not to look at dumb artwork.

-Roy Helu makes a play every time his number is called. He needs to make a commercial. “Hi, I’m Roy Helu, running back for the Washington Redskins, and I make plays. Do you need a play? Call 1-800-ROY-HELU, and I’ll deliver a play, every single time.” There, just wrote the script. Let’s get this thing going.

-I LOVE DESEAN JACKSON. I don’t care about his subpar blocking, his constant trash talk, his occasional drops, and his obnoxiousness, because he is a BIG.TIME.PLAYER. The guy makes three to four enormous, momentum swinging, field flipping plays a game, and that is a luxury this team hasn’t had in ages. I’m so pleased with how he’s played. I feel like I text “;LAKDSJF;ASLKDJFA;!!!! OMG OM GOMG OMGOMGO MG” four or five times a game, and DeSean Jackson is always the reason behind it. A dynamite playmaker.


-My sister pointed out to me that McCoy has tiny ears, and that may be the reason why the team had such difficulty getting the plays in during the game. Definitely worth further investigation.

-Worst play of my life (almost): end of the game, Meriweather blitz, fumble forced, and Kerrigan falls on it, then somehow it turns out he DIDN’T fall on it. Here’s what I tweeted after it:

I was about to hate Ryan Kerrigan even though I love Ryan Kerrigan after that. But it’s ok, because tonight we lived in an alternate universe, and the Redskins made a stop when they needed it.

-Jordan Reed is a grown ass man. Seven targets, seven catches, and a legit go to guy on third down. And that McCoy toss to Reed in OT where Reed got his toes in? I was ready to go onto NFL.com and order 74 Jordan Reed jerseys and then pass them out to the next 74 people I saw. Please stay healthy, Jordan Reed. You’re a stud.

-Ridiculously pressure-ful last defensive stand. Murray got 8 yards on first down, but then Perry Riley dominated two plays in a row, and Breeland broke up the fourth down pass. At least, I think that’s what happened. I blacked out for about three minutes, and when I woke up, Colt McCoy was streaking on the Cowboys field. I hope this wasn’t all a dream.

Ok. Wow. My happiness has increased since I last said how happy I was at the top of the post. I don’t wanna go too far with this, but, um, yeah, hmmmmm, they play the Vikes and the Bucs next….could we be smelling 5-5 soon?

OK OK OK O KO K OK OK OK PETER TAKE A CHILL PILL. I’m just going to enjoy this one. This was such a thrilling, up and down, back and forth, hair pulling, top of my lungs screaming game, and I loved it. Winning on primetime against a division rival in overtime is a feeling that’s hard to put into words. I really love sports, and god damn it, I’ll ALWAYS LOVE THESE WASHINGTON REDSKINS.

NFL: Washington Redskins at Dallas Cowboys


Dissecting the greatest video on Youtube, one that is mandatory for all Skins fans, and one that’ll pump you up for MNF

You know when people ask that question, “If your house was on fire, and you could only save one thing, what would it be?”

I have no idea how to answer that question.

HOWEVER, I do have the answer to a MUCH more important question: “If Youtube was on fire, and you could only save one video, what would it be?”

It is the most magical video ever put on the inter web. Better than “Charlie bit my finger” “Gangnam style” and “Family Feud’s funniest moments” combined. Read More

Don’t let the recent events fool you: The Dallas Cowboys are unbearable and everyone should hate them

The Dallas Cowboys went up to Seattle last Sunday and beat the Seahawks.

The Cowboys are 5-1 and are now everyone’s favorite team.

“Wow, the NFL is just so much more fun when the Cowboys are winning,” people on ESPN have been saying all week.

Now would be an appropriate time to remind everyone that the Dallas Cowboys have won one playoff game in the past 18 years and have finished 8-8 three years running.

You see, for some reason, people all around the nation are treating the Cowboys like the underdog. People are just so pleased that they’re winning. People are calling it a great story. This is how I feel about that:


Because a lot of people are seemingly brainwashed/missing their brain/have forgotten who we’re talking about, I’m here to remind you that the Dallas Cowboys are unbearable and everyone should hate them. Because the Cowboy love is getting out of hand. Here are a bunch of reasons in case you need proof that the Cowboys are the worst franchise in sports. Read More

Let me remind you that it’s not ALL bad: 10 things sure to cheer you up, sad Redskins fan


Wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW! W-O-W!

Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, and actually, just when you think things were getting better, the Redskins come out on a national stage, at home, against a division rival, in a must win game, with another nationally televised game coming up, which just so happens to be against the defending Super Bowl champion, looking like they haven’t played football in their entire lives.

Ho-hum. Just another game played in front of millions of Americans that ends so embarrassingly I’m ashamed to walk around brandishing any sort of Redskins logo.

So much sadness occupies my heart right now. And I’m sure so much sadness occupies your heart, too, fellow Redskins fan. So that’s why I’m writing this post: to remind you that it’s not all bad, to rid your heart of some sadness, and to show you there are a few things in life that are happy things and not sad things. Keep your head up and read these bullet points, and you’ll be feeling better in no time. Read More

It’s not just the interceptions: 20 other embarrassing parts of Tony Romo’s life

Tony Romo had a pretty terrible hilariously awful weekend. 

The much maligned Cowboys quarterback threw three mind-numbing interceptions in the first half against the 49ers. Patrick Willis, Niners star linebacker, said of the Romo pass he picked off, “You couldn’t believe he actually threw it.” When players of the other team are actually taken aback by how bad you are at your job, that’s really not good. 

However, it turns out throwing interceptions isn’t the only embarrassing part about Tony Romo. In fact, there are MANY embarrassing secrets/issues/things about Tony Romo that you may not be aware of. Check out this long list of 20 more embarrassing parts of Tony Romo’s life:

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