Roasting therapy: Going off on 31 recent Redskins who really sucked in D.C. as a way of venting my frustration

Yesterday evening, I sent out this tweet regarding former Redskins receiver Leonard Hankerson:

Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 6.54.14 PMI was feeling pretty depressed that Hankerson, a 2011 third round pick, didn’t pan out the way he should have. But then, I realized something that added a lot more depression to my depression.

As a Redskins fan, I could’ve replaced Hankerson’s name with any number of other players, and my tweet would’ve still held true. I mean, there’s got to be some piece of data out there that proves the Redskins have more free agency and draft busts than any other organization in the history of sports, right? Because it certainly feels that way.

Successful college players come to the Redskins and suck. Big name free agents come to the Redskins and suck. Small name free agents come to the Redskins and suck. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you come to the Redskins, there’s a very real possibility that you’re going to start sucking at football. And while I can’t prove this, I feel like NFL players become busts at a higher rate in D.C. than they do anywhere else. And you know what? That sucks too.

So today, I’m going to get rid of some frustration. Read More

“On This Play in DC Sports History”: Looking back at the infamous “Swinging Gate” play

Welcome to the second edition of my recurring series “On This Play in DC Sports History.” In this series, I will take a look back at some of the most memorable moments in recent Redskins, Wizards, and Nationals history. These plays can either be in our minds forever because of positive reasons (they were clutch, they came in the biggest games, or they were simply incredible to watch) or for negative reasons (they were embarrassing, they came at the worst times, or they were simply incredibly stupid); as long as it’s a defining play for DC sports teams and fans, there’s a chance I’ll cover it in the series.

Today’s edition, unfortunately, will focus on a play that falls in the latter category, and is one of the most mind boggling things I’ve ever witnessed the Redskins do on a football field (which is obviously a pretty significant statement). I’m of course talking about the infamous “Swinging Gate” play. Read More

Crossing over: Comparing past and present DC athletes with some of rap’s biggest names

I’m gonna keep this introduction simple.

I’m a college aged male, which means I’m basically required to like two things: sports and rap music. And after reading this Grantland post a few days ago, in which Andrew Sharp combined his love for the NBA and the NFL by comparing players in each sport to one another, I decided to do the same sort of thing: take a list of past and present DC sports athletes and compare them to some of the biggest names in the rap game.

(Thinks to himself for a moment) Um, yeah. That’s about all that needs to be said. Below you’ll find the list, where I took 14 of DC’s current and former players and found their counterparts in hip hop. Some are matched up for positive reasons while others, well, aren’t. I had a lot of fun with this, and would love to hear your thoughts on it as well. Let’s get this going. Read More

Ndamukong Suh to the Redskins? No thanks, I’ll pass

Ndamukong Suh is one of the most disruptive forces in football, someone who causes offensive coordinators to wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, a player who can take over a game from a position where it’s rare to see that, and an absolute badass.

For those reasons and many, many more, I’d like to say an early congratulations to whatever team lands him in free agency, and I couldn’t be more excited for you.

Well, as long as that team isn’t the Redskins. Read More

February Fury: Constructing a bracket to determine who is the absolute worst Redskins offseason acquisition since 1999

According to the calendar on my phone, it is currently February. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but that means March is right around the corner, which in turn means two huge sports events are almost upon us: March Madness and the start of offseason NFL moves.

As a college basketball fan, I couldn’t love March Madness any more. And as a Washington Redskins fan, I couldn’t hate the NFL offseason any more. However, there’s no denying the impact that both events have on me each year, so today, I’m going to combine the two in this post.

Because the Washington Redskins are infamous for their decision making in the offseason, I have created a NCAA-ish tournament bracket to figure out which offseason decisions were the absolute worst. Here’s how the bracket was made Read More

Most Likely To ___________? 2nd edition: Handing out high school superlatives to current and former DC sports figures

Last night, my sister texted me saying, “You should definitely do another one of those high school superlatives posts.” I responded by saying, “I would LOVE to, but I feel like I already used all of the good photos in my first one!”

However, she wouldn’t take no for an answer; being the genius that she is, she told me to use former athletes to get the creative juices flowing, so I did. And after a lot of perusing of Google for the strangest/funniest/creepiest photos of people on or formerly associated with the Redskins, Wizards, and Nationals, I can now proudly present to you the second batch of DC sports superlatives.  Read More