Peter Hailey’s weekly writing roundup: Mid-August edition

Barely in Bounds will always hold a special place in my heart. This blog has given me a space to demonstrate my admiration for D.C. sports stars like Santana Moss and John Wall, a page to express my frustrations with local sports figures like Brandon Meriweather and Randy Wittman, and an area where I can refine my writing skills while talking about my favorite topic of all: Sports in the nation’s capital.

Luckily, I’ve been able to take those skills I’ve been working on here and parlay them into additional jobs/internships with a few other publications. Besides being the creator of this lovely site, I’m now writing for Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic, blogging for Maryland’s student newspaper (The Diamondback) a contributor to Breaking Burgundy (’s Redskins site) and a contributor to The Left Bench (a sports site started by Maryland’s finest journalism students).

And recently, I’ve had a few people tell me that I need to let my followers know about all that I’m up to. So the goal of these types of posts going forward will be to get everyone up to speed on all the things I’ve written in the days leading up to themm so you guys can get a feel for what I’m up to. I feel bad that I haven’t been as active on here as I used to be, but I’ve gotten busy with the jobs I listed above. So this will be a way for me to show my loyal BIB followers that I’m not ignoring them — I’m just tied up elsewhere.

To prove it, here are a few articles I’ve written recently for my other employers. Give ’em a read, and thanks for the continued support. Also, go Redskins.

That’s just a little taste of what you guys may have missed from my other sites. Let me know what you think about ’em on Twitter @BarelyIn, and thanks for stopping by. Hoping to get a post up on here within the next few days. Also hoping the Redskins will have found a tight end by then.

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