DC Insta-Grammy Awards: Which DC athletes have the city’s strongest ‘gram game?

There hasn’t been much positivity on this blog thus far. A few days in and I’ve already written a game preview of the Redskins-Texans game that was completely wrong, an article about Santana Moss published hours before he was named a healthy scratch for the first time in ten years, and then a reaction to the Redskins game that essentially said yesterday was one of the worst days of my life.

Enough with all the negativity. Let’s get happy. Let’s talk about DC athletes and their wonderful Instagrams.

Players on the Skins, Wiz, and Nats really bring it with their Instas. Every day they fill people’s timelines with tremendous game photos, beautiful vacation pics, ridiculous selfies, and sweet snaps with some high profile celebs. So to inject some happiness onto the blog, and to make me feel better about what took place in Houston yesterday (I usually wear my Redskins lanyard around my neck…today I hid it in my pocket due to the shame I felt) it’s time to award some DC athletes with Insta-Grammy awards for their excellent work in photo sharing.

Photo of the year- John Wall

This photo of John Wall sitting on the Great Wall of China while showing of his back tattoo that says “Great Wall” is simply beautiful. I don’t even think there’s a filter on this thing. Wall let the beauty speak for itself and it works. No other DC athlete came close to posting a picture this perfect (note: I only looked at like nine players Instagrams because I have a lot of homework tonight, but as far as I can tell, this is in fact the best photo ever posted by a DC athlete). Well done, Wall.


Best use of a farm animal in an Instagram post- Marcin Gortat

Marcin Gortat is so damn weird and I absolutely love it. His post game interviews are superb, as he uses somewhat understandable english and embraces the fact that he doesn’t make sense a lot of the time. He looks like a James Bond bad guy. His jumpshot is pretty ugly but decently effective. Signing him to a long term deal was great for the Wizards, but equally great for Wizards fans, as we get a few more years of Marcin Gortat Instagram posts. In this picture, he brings a huge pig into a mall in his homeland of Poland. No idea why. No idea how. He just did it, and he deserves an Insta-Grammy for it.

Best support of a DC athlete in an Instagram post by someone who I hope will be on the Wizards in a few years- Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant posting a picture of himself smiling while wearing a Redskins hat and RGIII jersey was actually the highlight of my day yesterday. Is that pathetic? Yes. But is this Instagram post really cool? Also yes. Durant loves the Skins and constantly ‘grams about them. Hopefully by 2016 he’ll be doing it from Fedex Field. Come to DC Durant. I’ll give you more Insta-Grammys.


Best family photo- Adam LaRoche

Adam LaRoche is the Nationals first baseman. He is also, in all likelihood, the best suited DC athlete for any sort of zombie apocalypse/end of the world scenario. He has an enormous beard, kills massive animals, and is good with guns and bow and arrows. Here, LaRoche is pictured holding a large assault rifle with his son, Drake, who is also holding a large assault rifle. Family bonding at its finest.

Best DC Sports Instagram Bromance- Bradley Beal and John Wall

Bradley Beal and John Wall are BFF’s and it really warms my heart. Someone told me yesterday after the Skins lost, “At least you can look forward to the Wizards season,” and they were right! Why? Because Wall and Beal are young and fast and good and athletic and have so much swag and love passing to each other and throwing alley oops to each other and have made the Wizards entertaining again. They post happy birthday pictures for each other. They call each other out in Ice Bucket Challenges. They tag each other constantly. Wall and Beal forever.



Best Overall Instagram– DeSean Jackson

DeSean Jackson’s Instagram game is unreal. The man known as “0ne0fone” kills it in every area: game pictures, celebrity appearances, pictures of huge trucks; you name it, he has it. Seriously, take ten minutes and go through all of his pictures some time. He murders the game. Murders. It. He has pictures with Kevin Durant, a couple of Kardashians, and Lil Wayne. He also uses his Instagram to troll LeBron James and post pictures of his insane automobiles. DJax’s Instagram deserves its own blog post; no one does it like him, which is why he is the clear cut winner of “Best Overall Instagram” amongst DC athletes.

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